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San Diego has gorgeous weather most of the time, but when a storm hits, flooding can be extreme.  If your home floods, what is the first thing you will do? You’ll probably call for flood restoration, and that is exactly what you should do. Professionals know how to remove water from your home efficiently and effectively, so that you don’t suffer water damage, mold growth, or damage to your belongings and your home’s structure. Once the company begins the water clean-up, though, how can you tell when the process is complete? You want to make sure the problems have all been handled thoroughly so that you won’t see further effects of water damage later on, but how can you be certain that the company has thoroughly completed the job? Here is some information you may find useful if you are in this situation.

The first step in flood restoration is analysis, determining what is causing the problem so that further water intrusion can be prevented. Once the restoration company ensures there will be no further water damage, an inspection will be performed to determine the amount of water on the premises and the extent of the damage.

Next comes the removal of standing water. Any stagnant water in your building must be removed, to prevent further damage. Once there are no visible puddles and no water is collecting in the building, the drying process can begin. Devices like high-speed air movers and commercial dehumidifiers are brought in to circulate the air and remove moisture, and at the same time, areas with water damage are sectioned off so that suction and heat can be concentrated on the placed they are most needed. The goal is to control the environment while drying the area as quickly as possible. This process is heavily monitored, with the cleaning crew continually checking to measure the humidity levels and see how the drying is coming along.

Once the area is dry, cleaning, disinfecting, and mold removal can begin. For some surfaces, like carpet, water damage may be so extensive that the material be discarded. Similarly, oversaturated drywall can become a welcoming environment for mold and mildew, so that is likely to require removal. Once the water and the unsalvageable materials are removed, and the area is clean and sanitized, the process is complete.

But how do you know that the water damage has been completely eliminated? Re-evaluation is an important part of the flood damage restoration process. This is the step in which the remediation team determines whether or not the affected areas are restored to their pre-loss state. For a water damage professional to consider a clean-up effort accomplished, three conditions must be met.

  • First, building materials must be at their equilibrium moisture content. This means the building material is no longer saturated, gaining moisture, or losing moisture. Once building materials reach their equilibrium moisture content, they will no longer support the growth of mold or mildew.
  • Next, the interior ambient room conditions must be back to normal. This means that the temperature and relative humidity are restored to normal. Without a return to normal conditions, there can be growth of fungal organisms, leading to a hazardous environment.
  • Finally, the affected areas must be stable without continued use of drying equipment. The areas must be back to pre-loss state, in which the interior conditions are healthy and self-regulating. It’s important to make sure this stability is achieved before removing the drying equipment, so that the room doesn’t undergo further damage trying to reach equilibrium.

If your San Diego home has sustained water damage and you need help with the clean-up, call the experts at Pacific Flood Restoration to make sure it is handled thoroughly, by experienced professionals. We offer full-service, 24-hour, on-call emergency services throughout the San Diego area, and we’ve earned a reputation for being dependable, on time, courteous, and ethical. No matter the extent of your damage, our trained technicians have the experience, proven techniques, and state-of-the-art equipment to restore your home, fixing whatever damage it may have sustained. We serve the following cities: San Diego, Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos, Chula Vista, Poway, El Cajon, Escondido, Rancho Santa Fe, San Clemente, and Solana Beach. Call 760.516.8549, or contact us through our website.  

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